Monday, July 30, 2012

Didn't Fish And Glad Of It

Sunday is normally a fishing day for me - at least some part of Sunday I'll hit the water in pursuit of carp, bass, perch, and then during the fall and winter it's trout.  Yesterday, however, I did not fish... and I'm glad of it.

Instead of hitting the water early, I hit the trail for a brisk morning walk around one of the big water pastures that both Charlie and me are thinking about pursuing in earnest someday.  During my morning walk I did slip down the sloped rocky and rugged terrain, on a number of occasions,  to explore the fringes of the lake for carp.  Stumbling through the rocky terrain, full of softball and soccer ball-sized boulders, it seemed like I was traversing through prime territory that could very well hold rattlesnakes. 

Images of long fangs penetrating a deep vein can give a fellow cause for reflection in their fervor of the pursuit of carp.  With that thought in mind yesterday morning, and realizing that this carp pasture was rather large, exploring the acquistion of a  kayak seemed to be a good option.  A kayak - one of those rather jazzy stabilized kayak numbers with the attachable outriggers.  But, suck a kayak now is just a thought and around $1100.00 away from this particular fellow. 

After the morning walk, I pull into the little store where I always get that sissy coffee I drink.  Getting out of the prairie schooner I see a fellow I've known for a good number of years.  When he sees me he points his finger and says, "Come here... I have something for you." 

It seems that Ronnie has just returned from the Dog Trade.  The Dog Trade is a Sunday flea market event that has been taking place for half of a century around this area.   Ronnie reached behind his pick-up seat and brought out a wall-hanging graphic, handed it to me, and said, "When I saw this, I thought of you.  Here you go." 

I love fly fishing stuff you can hang on the wall.  That spare bedroom at the bunkhouse - the fly-tying/mini-museum room I refer to, is quickly filling up with such stuff.  This gift from Ronnie was in pristine condition and I'm delighted he was so kind to acquire it with me in mind.  I shake his hand, slap him on the back and then... I probably insulted him by asking if I owed him anything.  Yeah... I insulted him... because Ronnie, in a nice way, let me know I owed him nothing. 

From this parking lot I travel to the mercantile store of which I owe my livelihood.  Running short on money there is a need to cash some paper so I can buy lunch for my in-destination grandson traveling from Tulsa.  As I pull into the mercantile store parking lot I see a man standing next to a rather large hog motorcycle, but pay him little attention.  Upon exiting the schooner he calls my name and I recognize the voice right away. 

David, is the son of my long time co-worker, dear friend, and fishing buddy Francis Rozell. We lost Francis almost two years ago and I haven't seen David since the funeral.   David looks rather sunburned, a little road worn, somewhat tired on this Sunday morning,  and there is good reason as to why. 

He shares that as he pulled into the mercantile parking lot he just completed a 4800 mile road trip that took him west and north.  He mentioned Yellowstone, Flaming Gorge, Beartooth, and the Pacific Coast Highway.  Then he reached into his pocket for something, and the conversation turned to while he was in Montana at an outfitters.  David handed me a plastic cup full of flies, explaining when he saw the fly shop in the outfitters he thought about how much I love to fly fish.


After a half-hour or better visit, David was ready to wash the road off and we said good-bye, but not before making plans to have a get-together to view the several hundred pictures he took on his trip... along with slamming some good food and maybe some brews to go along.  

In less than a ten minute span, I got to see and visit with two friends that were both in a gifting mood. 

I didn't fish Sunday... and I'm damn glad of it. Fly fishing is always wonderful... but, friends are always better.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Conversations With Carp - Strategic Talks

Yesterday afternoon it came a most wonderful rain shower.  It wasn't a long event - maybe 45 minutes, but it was a good steady rain. 

I checked the creek late in the evening, after the rain, and the carp were celebrating in good numbers.  If it hadn't been so muggy, the fly rod would certainly have been employed.  However, morning wasn't that far off.

This morning I would have bet my last dollar the carp would be out in good numbers, but was I ever wrong.  After searching for an hour and a half only three carp had been spotted and none of the three were favorable carp - they were suspended or stationary.  It was then I recalled on my last several outings, all morning events, the carp activity had seem minimal at best.  Deciding to call it a morning I retire to Club Carpio, which is the shade tree in the backyard and while sitting there with a cold beer I made up my mind to change strategy. 

The strategy change came late this afternoon around seven.  My hope was to find the carp more active in the late evening hours compared to the early morning.  Much to my delight this proved to be the case.

I guess we've all done it - plan an outing and think we have everything in tow.  As soon as the first carp was stuck this evening I realized that once again the camera was left behind at the bunkhouse.  I could have left the creek after the first carp to get the camera, but looking upstream there was signs of another carp so naturally I headed upstream.  When the fish came into view the yellow winged, olive-leg Creek Critter was rolled out and just like the first carp he ate it. 

After releasing carp number two I left the creek to return to the bunkhouse and fetch the camera hoping more carp would be waiting for me.  Upon returning to the creek I chose a different pasture.  By now, it was close to eight o'clock and light was fading quickly.  Downstream was swirls and riffles and with the same fly a young mirror carp came to hand.

Continuing, it isn't long until the second carp is spotted.  With this carp I choose the Mysis Shrimp, which has not seen employment in several months.  The carp couldn't get to the fly quick enough.  This fish took me through the biggest mess of leaves and algae, sulphur mud and all kinds of crap.  By the time he came to hand there was five pounds of algae wrapped around the leader. 

The stream flow of upper Rock Creek is down to a trickle.  Lower Rock Creek receives the benefit of the Travetine Creek confluence, which is spring-fed.  However, those springs are near running dry.  Two years ago, Charlie and I fly fished for carp through October, but that's probably not going to happen this year. 

Of course more rain events like yesterdays would help, but the forecast is not showing any rain - just triple digit temperatures for the next seven days.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

Win A Thomas & Thomas Two Hander

The good folk at Thomas and Thomas are having a contest where some lucky guy or gal will win a two hander fly rod.  All you have to do is help Thomas and Thomas pick a name for their new series along with a tag line.

To learn more details and to enter simply visit Thomas and Thomas Contest.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Conversations With Carp - Charlie Engages Via Creek Critter

These days if Charlie or me want to go on the hunt for carp we'd better get an early start.  On Wednesday morning when I stepped out of the bunkhouse at 4:30, it was already 84 degrees.  Charlie, being an early riser himself, evidently found out the same as he planned a dawn fly fishing outing. 

It seems that Charlie finally give up on that camera with the broken lens and has acquired a new one.  Now, he can send us images of the fruit he plucks from the local creek.

Traveling to the carp pasture that bears his name, Charlie quickly sticks a carp using the Creek Critter pattern. 

In his Wednesday morning dispatch, Charlie reported that when this carp grows up he's going to be the dickens to deal with.  Evidently this 20 incher gave quite the fight. 

Also in his dispatch of Wednesday, Charlie made comment on how poorly the creek is looking at this particular pasture and included an image to lay testament.

As I am writing this, the thunder clouds are building in the south and west.  Hopefully these clouds are serving as signal ships of impending rain. 


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fly Fishing Oklahoma - Blue Green Algae Alert

Recently both Charlie and me begin to explore Arbuckle Lake in pursuit of carp.  Last Saturday I noticed how much the lake had dropped due to the absence of rain.  Take that and add in the searing temperatures and a recipe starts to come together.

Today, the Chickasaw National Recreation Area released a Blue-Green Algae alert.  Here is the news release.

Areas of the Lake of the Arbuckles Tested Positive for Blue Green Algae

Chickasaw NRA has confirmed the presence of Blue-Green Algae in the Lake of the Arbuckles. Recent testing by the Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ) has shown positive results for small blue-green algae blooms in remote areas of the Lake of the Arbuckles.

Blue-green algae (BGA) are free floating, microscopic organisms naturally present in reservoirs, lakes and streams. They are photosynthetic bacteria, which mean they need light to survive. They are usually found in low numbers, but in very warm, shallow and undisturbed waters that receive a great deal of sunlight, blue-green algae can increase in numbers and form blooms. When these blooms rise to the surface of the water, they can cause the water to look like a thick mat of pea soup or scum and often they turn bluish-green to red in color.

It is important to note that not all blooms produce toxins, but under the right conditions they can produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals. The toxins produced by BGA may cause a variety of reactions, most commonly upper respiratory problems, skin rashes, eye irritation, vomiting and diarrhea. Adults are not often affected by BGA since they are less likely to be exposed; however, the consumptions or inhalation of BGA can be unsafe. Any contact with BGA can be harmful. Please use caution when boating, waterskiing, swimming, fishing, etc. Take a shower after coming into contact with surface water, whether or not a BGA bloom appears to be present, to wash away any potentially harmful bacteria. Children are more vulnerable than adults because they tend to play in the water and are not as cautious as adults and they are more likely to drink or accidently swallow water when swimming. Children usually weigh less than adults, so a smaller quantity of toxins may trigger a more severe effect. Pets and livestock are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of BGA.

Chickasaw NRA is asking all visitors to please be aware of their surroundings while enjoying the Lake of the Arbuckles. If you notice any areas of concern, please contact Precious Braggs at 580-622-7262 or email at

Will Bristol Bay Be Saved

Last night on PBS, Frontline aired a report via documentary entitled Alaska Gold.  The subject of this report covers what is taking place at Bristol Bay with Pebble Mine. 

Now I live 3000 miles from Bristol Bay so some might ask why I would be concerned with this issue.  The answer is that I'm an angler, and like so many others who fish we are always concerned with issues that could threaten our fisheries, waterways, wildlife, and wild areas. 

While watching the report it was easy for me to draw a parallel with what is going on at Bristol Bay and what has taken place and continues with the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer here in Oklahoma. 

There is a big difference, as far as size and scope, with what's taking place at Bristol Bay and the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer.  However, the issues and concerns have quite a few similarities. 

Both situations involve mining.  Concerns shared by the people of and around Bristol Bay and the Arbuckle-Simpson include the possible destruction of fisheries, concern of pollution, demise of our rivers and streams, environments coming unraveled, and possible changes of livelihoods and culture. 

If you missed last nights airing I've included the airing on this post and you can watch via your screen.

The producers have done an excellent job with this report and they fairly report both sides of the issue. 

I think you'll enjoy the report and also come away with concerns. 

Watch Alaska Gold on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

You can also find more information on Trout Unlimited's Save Bristol Bay.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Follow Up On Our Beloved Carp Apparel

Back on June 11th, I posted an article entitled "Our Beloved Carp Apparel".  My posting was instigated and in response to Trevor Tanner's article "Ode To Stank", where Trevor reveals his attachment to a certain cap that had certainly reached gnarly and stank status. 

When I published my post on June 11th, I figured there were other carp-by-fly fans that were just like Trevor and me, and they too just couldn't let go of certain pieces of apparel that had been with them for time. 

Sure enough, it wasn't long until I hear from Gregg Martin in Idaho and not only is Gregg the owner of crusty gear, it seems he has a whole collection of gnarled and stank-status carp-by-fly head wear. 

With Gregg, I think we may very well have found the kingpin of crud and I feel obliged to share his collection. 

The stinky, stank-status, crusty, crud-laden, and gnarly carp gear that we own are more than products of grime and grit.  These pieces of apparel have involved blood, sweat, and tears.  Blood from thorny bushes and sharp hook points; sweat from the sweltering temperatures of summer; and tears from the times those behemoth carp snap our leaders when there only seconds away from our grasp. 

Here's Gregg's offerings.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gator Watch On The Prairie Ocean

It seems that each year there are more and more reports of alligator sightings here on the prairie ocean. 

If this is something that seems rather far-fetched then you might just want to reconsider and keep a keener eye on the water that you wade while fly fishing. 

Don't be like these guys.

Where I Would Take Graywolf #100

One thing about Cameron over at the The Fiberglass Manifesto is that he keeps things interesting in the fly fishing world. 

For his latest effort in making fly fishing more fun, he's teamed up with Shane Gray of Graywolf Rods and these two have created a contest where some lucky guy or gal will walk away with one of Shane's wonderfully crafted rods. 

The rod to be given away is a Signature S-Glass 8' 5-weight rod valued at $600.00. 

To enter the contest all we have to do is answer the question, "Where Would We Take Build #100?"  Therefore, in hopes of getting lucky I am answering that question here and now.

I know exactly where I would take Build #100 and I want to share why. 

I would take Build #100 to Blue River in southern Oklahoma.  The reason I would take Build #100 is because Shane and Graywolf Rods and Blue River have something in common.  They both are unique. 

Blue River is the intimate waterway that the people of southern Oklahoma had to rescue back in 2002.  In 2002 there was an effort by a coalition to drill, pump, and transport massive amounts of water from the Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer - the lifeblood of Blue River.  The amount of yearly water to be removed was almost exactly the same amount that flows down Blue River each year.  If this effort would have been successful, it would have been a matter of time before Blue River would have ceased to exist. 

However, those of us who know and love this unique river banded together and stopped the water removal. 

Blue River is a wonderful year round fishery and designated trout stream from November 1st to March 31st.  The geomorphologically and plant life of Blue River are two of things that make this river unique.  Blue River is the only place in Oklahoma that the seaside alder is found - a plant that is indigenous to the east coast.  Outcroppings of granite and limestone at Blue River are a stark contrast to the mostly flat farm land that surrounds this river on both sides. 

There is something to be said about being unique, especially when there is so much mediocrity available.

Now, I'll keep on rat-holing money to buy my own Graywolf someday just in case my luck doesn't pull through on this contest.  But if I do get lucky and my name comes out my random draw, then on November 1st, opening day of trout season, I'll be standing in the Blue with the Graywolf in my hand.

Conversations With Carp - Double Talk

After the coffee was saucered and blowed, and shortly before sunrise this morning, I was standing on the shore of nearby Arbuckle Lake.  Arbuckle is 2400 acres of water supplied by three feeder streams - Rock Creek, Guy Sandy, and Buckhorn.  There are a lot of carp in Arbuckle, but neither Charlie or me have figured out a way to get to these creatures. 

Knowing the lake would be down considerably due to lack of significant rainfall, I guess I was hoping there would be a way to wade out to where the carp were congregating.  But, in front of me was a thick weave of a marsh-like bog with a very soft bottom.  Being by myself I deemed it as risky to try and wade out into the mush. 

There wasn't a boat or another soul on Arbuckle this morning.  The peace and quietness of the morning was ever so pleasurable.  However, I like to hunt for carp - not stand in one spot hoping the carp will come my way.  I leave the serenity of this place and head back to town proper.

Coming through town the thermometer at the bank read 87 degrees and the humidity had already grown thick.  Even though it was already sticky, the prairie schooner is turned into a familiar spot alongside the creek for a thirty minute outing.

With a black Curiosity with red stinger, two carp come in for the branding while fishing the skinny water.  This double gift from the god of fishing was enough to appease my hunger for talks, and the line is spooled to leave the creek.  Looking upstream as I get ready to leave I see evidence of a spawn taking place.  Lots of crashing and trashing up against the bank and backs and tails swirling in the frenzy. 


In this morning's Daily Oklahoman, Ryan Shelton writes an article about a sad situation for fish and angler alike.  At the Great Salt Plains Lake, another fish kill has taken place.  There have been a number of fish kills at Great Salt Plains, but with this latest kill (that involve many carp and drum) there is now concern as if the carp will be able to rebound.

Photo by Ryan Shelton

Drought is the culprit behind the kill and this is the second year this lake along with others have had to endure exceptional drought. 

For full story visit Ryan's article. Great Salt Plains Fish Kill. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Conversations With Carp - Limited Cozing

Since July 7th, we've had five rain events.  Now that may sound significant, but when I added up the total rainfall from each event the amount was only eight tenths of an inch. 

Of course we are thankful for every drop rain we get, but the simple truth is it wasn't enough to solve the long term problem of a shrinking creek.  Here in Oklahoma, we are in the same pickle as much of the rest the nation finds itself - exceptional drought. 

Surprisingly though the first three rain events, which came in subsequent days was enough to freshen the creek and wash some of the scum and algae away.  Upon seeing a somewhat healthier looking creek I decide to make some limited and short outings.  Since July 7th, I've been out three times, including this morning, and kept the outings to no more than two hours. 

The truth is I love these creatures.  Yes, I love capturing them, but I also love them for just what they are.  To do anything that might stress them more weighs heavy on this old man's heart and mind. 

The three outings I've made did produce some cozing with carp and here are those images.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Orvis Announces Silver Sonic Waders

Coming in September, Orvis introduces their Silver Sonic line of waders. . 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Tight Loop - July Issue

The good people over at A Tight Loop have published another outstanding on line offering.  Check out all the great stories and pictures from Midwest fly fishing.

Hope you enjoy.

Prairie Ocean Fly Fishing 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Conversations With Carp - Talks Postponed

Same scenario as last Saturday - at work way before the rooster even thinks about crowing, leaving work and arriving at the creek at the time the rooster is crowing.  Fish long enough to catch one carp, give thanks for the opportunity of the morning, and return to work. 

I say again... one helluva life.

It's all okay though because I came to a decision before ever hitting the creek this morning.  I wanted to catch one more carp and then I will postpone my conversations with these creatures giving them a rest. 

It was quite rewarding that this last fish would be a young and fascinating looking Mirror carp. 

My decision to postpone fly fishing for carp is because of conditions.  The stream flow of this creek is barely at minimal stream flow standards.  The algae and scum is building up by the day and I'm sure the oxygen in the water is being depleted.  All this could prove quite stressful on these beasts.

Rock Creek serves as a pantry of pleasure - a pantry that feeds the hunger of being with the carp.  Charlie and I both own this hunger.  This creek is mother nature's milk of the locale proper.  Will I now starve to death without the carp?  No, at least not physically.  My hunger will continue to grow and gnaw and my high hope is that the hunger will not grow to the point where I own an emaciated soul. 

If the rain will come and find the ground in good quantities, I'll get right back to the conversation.  But, if it doesn't I will let these creatures be for a while.  There is high hope of rain in the coming week. 

If only the rain would come.   

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Conversations With Carp - Vacation Day Talks

To me the best time to take vacation is autumn.  When autumn comes around the air is cooler and crisper, and the leaves begin to put on a stage performance of beautiful gold, burnt orange, and yellow colors.  Also, trout season rolls around at Blue River and this serves as a perfect chance to see fellow fly fishers that have been absent since the spring. 

So, I try my best to save my vacation time for the fall season, but sometimes things build up on me at the workplace and I make myself burn a vacation day... just like this morning. 

The bill of fare I had in mind for the carp this morning was the black bodied, red tail Curiosity fly along with the chartreuse Creek Critter.  Beginning with the Curiosity, this fly would find the fattest and largest carp I've ever taken from the pasture we call Honey Hole.  This would be a lengthy conversation to say the least.  For some reason I decided to carry a net with me this morning and having this big carp on the line made me thankful the net was at hand.  However, I would learn after four attempts of scooping the fish that this poor quality net was simply too small. 

I would finally wear the fish down where I could get him close to the bank and grab his tail.  I wish I would have taken a better picture that would show the length and girth of this creature.  It was a sow carp and I feel lucky in landing this fish.

It wasn't long until the second fish was on the line and it would turn out to be about a 4lb. catfish. Between the first carp and this catfish the Curiosity had begin to come unraveled.

The red tail Curiosity was retired to the dry patch and this afternoon this great little pattern will be reincarnated in the fly tying room.  His cousin the tan tail Curiosity went on the tippet.

Traveling from Honey Hole pasture to the pasture known as lower Well Springs the second carp of the morning was targeted.  The tan tail cousin came through and the fish came to hand.

From lower Well Springs I travel to the pasture we call the Beach.  Here I see three carp feeding in close proximity of each other.  It seemed best to simply put the fly in the middle of them and see what would happen.  The chartreuse Creek Critter fell dead center of this trio and it was a race to see what carp would get to the fly first.  I honestly couldn't tell which carp was going to arrive first, but set the hook as soon as I saw the tippet twitch. 

There was a problem with where I hooked-up with this carp.  A small tree with lots of branches has fallen across the creek and this carp kept going dead-on for those branches.  Bypassing the drag I played the creature with my line hand.  Finally I hauled the carp to the edge of the sandy beach itself and was sure this carp had been whipped.  But, as I let pressure off the rod to approach the carp, the fish flipped, hook came out, and it was adios.  The carp won this battle.  Kudos to you fine sir. 

Charlie stopped by the mercantile store the other day and we begin to talk about how our fly selection, particularly to size, has evolved over the last several years.  When we first begin to seriously fly fish for carp we were tying patterns on size 6 scud and straight shank hooks.  We were churning out rather large Backstabber style flies, Carpolo Charlies, and San Juan wormballs.  Now, we are using size 12 scud hooks and this smaller patterns seem to catch more carp.  The one thing I've noticed is that the smaller patterns seem to spook less carp from the fly itself.  The only down side to smaller patterns so far has been there have been several occasions where the fly gets a little deeper  into to the mouth of the fish.  Not damaging deep, but if given preference I'd rather the hook go into the lip each time.  

Once large patterns were used, now smaller is better.

Both Charlie and me have been fly fishing for so long we could easily be considered seasoned anglers.  However, when it comes to carp-by-fly, we always recognize our phylogeny.  We will continue to learn and evolve as we go.  Next up is to improve our take ratio by blind-fishing, and then there is carp-by-fly at night. 

I don't know about the snakes though with this fly at night thing.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fly Fishing Life - Gifted Gear

It has never cease to amaze me.  I'm talking about all the fly fishing gear people have brought to the mercantile store, over the years, and simply give to me. 

Yesterday, a lady named Patty who recently came to work at the mercantile store learned of my addiction and love for fly fishing.  Today, she showed up carrying an olive drab canvas satchel of sorts.  It turned out to be a traveling fly fishing kit as you can see from the pictures below.

Patty shared with me that her husband was award this travel kit about twelve years ago by the company he works for.  She also said that for that twelve years this kit has stayed in a shed and had never been opened.  Up to today... the rod had never been assembled. 

There's little doubt as to the quality of this kit.  It is furthest from being a high end, high quality rod and reel outfit.  The reel is a rather noisy click pawl and will never take a lot of stress.  But, the rod was actually kind of sweet in a way.  This eight piece, eight foot 4/5 weight rod has a soft feel to it and will cast with a slower motion. 

Most likely I''ll never fish this outfit since it is in original condition.  I figure it will go in the spare bedroom, which is also known as the miniature fly fishing and tying museum.  If for some reason I do use the rod someday it will be for perch, small bass, or trout.  There's no way this rod will ever hold up to carp. 

Now, on the subject of carp, it was a couple of posts ago I reported that Charlie had come down with tick fever while trekking through the woods to get to the carp water.  In that post I made the statement that I know Charlie and commented there was little if anything, including tick fever, that would keep him from his beloved carp.  Well... I'll say it again.  Yesterday Charlie went to the carp creek even though he's not fully recovered and still yet to finish his round of antibiotics.  With his Creek Critter tied on he landed a nice carp early in the morning.  He apologized for not sending a picture and explains he can't find his camera because he can't remember where it is.  Most likely his memory lapse is part of the tick fever. 

This angler hasn't been out for carp-by-fly since Sunday, but hope to do so soon before things get too dry and too hot for both man and fish. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Conversations With Carp - One Is Better Than None

On Sundays at the mercantile store we have what we call a "church rush".  After attending church services people come to the store to gather items for lunch or perhaps an afternoon picnic or maybe supper. 

As soon as the church rush was over today I decided to head to the bunkhouse for some much needed rest.  To get to the bunkhouse, however, the carp creek must be crossed and it just so happens all the carp gear was stowed in the schooner. 

High noon on the first day of July is the wrong time for this angler to fish due to the heat.  The temperature today was actually a couple of degrees lower than the previous several days, but the humidity was higher. 

After a short conversation with self though, it was easy to convince the carp-by-fly part of me that twenty or thirty minutes wouldn't hurt a thing... including my aging body. 

With the same fly as used yesterday, a course downstream to a pool of water that neither Charlie or me fish very often was struck.  As to why we don't fish it often begs a question - there are some carp there and they are equally deserving of some rich conversation. 

In a shallow run is a feeding carp.  The black body red stinger tail Curiosity is rolled out to the fish, but the fly lands beyond and in front of the carp.  The option seems to be to drag the fly in front of the fish and once employed the carp eats it right away. 

Fifteen minutes had yet to pass, but I was sweating profusely and decided to call it a day.  When we get down to the level of the creek there is no air at all because the massive amount of trees that line the bank serve as a wind break. This one carp would be the extent of the carp-by-fly life on this given day.  One is better than none though. 

The streamflow of the creek is at least fifty percent lower than what it was just a month ago.  If we fail to receive rain anytime soon I think it will be my decision to stop fishing for these creatures until the rain arrives.