Saturday, December 24, 2016

Blue River Fly Classic 2017 - Season 6

Blue River Fly Classic 2017

General Information

Date Of Event: March 4th, 2017
Place: Blue River Public Fishing And Hunting Area
Time Of Event: 7:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m.
Starting Point: Main Parking Lot Campground Area Blue River
Blind Pairings Will Be Prior To Start Of Event
Entry Fee: $35.00 Per Contestant


The purpose of the Blue River Fly Classic is two-fold. First, the mission of this event is create a day of greater fellowship among the fly fishing community on Blue River. Secondly, this event is designed as a fund raising event with the totality of monies raised by entries fees going directly to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife in support of the Catch and Release section at Blue River. Funds will be monitored by and through the Blue River Association.


*A same pattern will only be used. . NOTE: Contestants will be given two flies.

*All contestants will receive the same pattern and the pattern will remain a mystery until the start of the event. When a contestant loses the fly (or flies) then that contestant is out. If the contestant loses the fly (or flies) and wishes to continue fishing for the sake of fishing then that contestant must turn their score card over to the person they are paired with.

*Contestants will be allowed to retie their fly, but must notify their partner they are doing so.

*Dry flies as strike indicators will not be allowed.

*Scored fish are fish brought to hand. Each contestant must alert their partner when a fish is brought to hand.

*Each contestant is responsible for keeping their own score card.

*Each contestant should devise a way for measuring fish that are caught. Length of each fish scores additional points.

*This entire event is based on the honor system.

 *Deadline for entering is February 15th 2017.

A copy of the general information, rules, and entry form will be available December 26th, 2016. To obtain an entry form contact  An entry form will be sent to you as an attachment. Print the entry form, fill it out, include payment and mail both in. You will receive a confirmation email once your entry is received.


Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers.  Prizes will be announced at a later date.

There will be a number of give-away prizes also in a random drawing.

Blue River Fly Classic
Entry Form
Date of Event:  March 4th, 2017
Entry Deadline:  February 15th, 2017

The Blue River Association nor any individual or organization assumes responsibility for damage, injury, or other problems which arise directly or indirectly from anyone’s participation or involvement, in any way, in this event.


Mailing Address:_________________________________________

City:____________________  State______________ Zip Code_________


Cell Phone*_____________________________________
*This is the cell phone you will be carrying the date of the event.  Contact reasons only.

Check appropriate boxes:

____Entry Fee enclosed (Please check or money order only) IMPORTANT:  Please make check or money order payable to the Blue River Association.  Entry fee is $35.00.

____I would like to buy ___  $2.00 chances at the Master Forge Propane Smoker.

____ Indicate tee shirt size:*  M  L  XL  XXL Other________
* We are hopeful of acquiring tee shirts for this event.  If we are successful in doing so we would like to know the size you would wear.

____ Sorry, I can’t make the event but would like to make a contribution.

Total enclosed:___________________

PLEASE NOTE:  Make check or money order payable to Blue River Association.  However, mail completed entry form along with fees to the following address.

Barry C. Shrader
Blue River Fly Classic
700 E. Wynnewood
Sulphur, OK 73086

I will deliver all entry fees to the Blue River Association where they will be held until the event is completed.  Once the event is completed the Blue River Association will issue payment to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife in support of the Catch & Release area at Blue River.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A New Trout Season - A New Agenda

The first eleven days of trout season at Blue River has been a fun and enjoyable time for me.  Trout season actually started a few days early with a stocking taking place on October 27th.  Water temperatures were in the upper 60's, but the trout seemed to be fairing well.

When the first Saturday of official trout season rolled around it was time for the annual get-together of the Blue River Fly Fishers to take place.  Approximately 30 people were in attendance and the Dutch oven and cast iron recipes were wonderful.  And, Scott Dittner presented the group with our own flag... something we have been wanting for a good long while.

There is a new initiative on Blue River that is in effect now and will remain in effect.  Blue River has been designated as a Pack It In - Pack It Out area.  Simply stated that means that all of us are responsible for the trash we generate while visiting or camping at Blue.  The trash barrels have been removed from the camping area, but the dumpsters in the main parking area remain.  If you arrive and are surprised by this news there is an ample supply of free trash bags at Scottys Blue River One Stop.  Trash bags will be donated this trout season, but after that everyone should be well enough informed and bring their own bags.  All of us who purchase a fishing or hunting license or wildlife conservation passport are vested partners in the Blue River Public Hunting and Fishing Area.  As such, it seems to make sense that we would take care of our investment and the way we do that is to make sure the land and the water is clean.  So please, lets make Blue River the cleanest river in Oklahoma.

Pick It Up and Pack It Out please. 
In the first week of trout season over 9000 trout were stocked in the river.  The fishing has been excellent.  The trout were stacking up as they usually do, but with time they will spread out.  They seemed to be willing to taste just about anything and everything thrown at them.  For this fly fisherman it was Pink Frenchies, Alimony flies, Barrs Emergers, Cracklebacks, Partridge and Orange, twin Zebra and Red Midge Larva patterns.

The second week of trout season was a special time at the river when the North Texas chapter of Project Healing Waters brought participating Veterans to Blue River for a fly fishing outing that would last three days.  I enlisted the help of some great anglers including, Kody Young, Scott Dittner, Chris Adams, and Ralph James.  Several of the vets had never fly fished before, but all of them got into the trout.  It was extremely rewarding being able to be a part of this great effort.

The Blue River Trout Derby is taking place this weekend.  We should know all the winners sometime this afternoon.

Good fishing to everyone!


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

To Have A Heart

Usually the question is asked first and then the answer comes, but in this dispatch I'm going to give you the answer first, then the question.  The answer is yes.  The question is this: If you could open your heart to give a heart would you?" 

I know the answer is yes because I have been so very fortunate to be a part of a wonderful outdoor community that have a deep love for a special little river along with a community that favor the art of casting the fur and feather.  The community at Blue River is some of the finest people I've ever known.

I'm writing this today asking all who happen to read this post for a hand up in helping as fine a gentleman that any of us would ever hope to meet.

Many of you already know Ralph Fullenwider and there are many others that have certainly seen him and his wife Charlotte on Blue River countless times.  Ralph and Charlotte are owners of the Blue Bird motor coach named the Ruff Diamond.  It's difficult to miss that rig.  Ralph has become a friend to many over the years, enjoys tying his own flies, fly fishing for the trout and other species, and is an avid RVer.

Ralph has had a long history of heart disease and a couple of years ago things turned for the worse.  He now has a heart pump the Heart Mate 3.  This heart pump basically is the left side of his heart.  Without it he would not survive.  However the heart pump was never meant to be a permanent fix and Ralph learned a heart transplant was his only option.  The guidelines for a transplant recently changed and now Ralph is close to going on the short list for the transplant.  However, there is one obstacle.

The cost of the first year's anti-rejection medication is not covered and it is close to $5,000.00.  Those funds are not in place and Ralph has shared with a couple of us if the call comes and the money is not available for the medicine he will have to pass on the transplant.  We don't want that to happen.

Scott Dittner with the help of Dan Ham has established a Gofundme account for Ralph and it is the goal to raise the full amount to pay the cost of the anti-rejection medicines. 

I'm asking for everyone's support financially, spirituality, and most importantly getting involved and asking your friends to support this cause.  It is not so much the amount of your support as it is the gesture itself. 

Here is the link to Ralph Fullenwiders GoFundMe account.

Thank you everyone.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Fly Classic 2016 Winners

It can easily be said, the real winner as a result of the Blue River Fly Classic, is Blue River herself.  This growing event raised $4071.00 in entry fees, raffle tickets, silent auctions and donations. 

Just five years ago we started this event and had 22 contestants.  This year we had 60, and we fed about 80 people for lunch. 

The mystery fly, a size 14 olive Czech Nymph, performed better than I thought it would.  I really thought it would be a tough fly for many.  However, quite a few fish were caught with this pattern including two 8 point bonus fish - the Redhorse sucker.

When the score cards were tallied here were the winners.

3rd Place - Scott Dittner

2nd place - Donovan Clary
1st place and the winner of the 2016 Blue River Fly Classic is Boone Merhman.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Fly Classic Base Camp

A base camp has been established in the main parking area of the campground area just above Hughes Crossing (low water crossing).  If you are not familiar with the campground area, google Scotty's Blue River One Stop, 4501 S. Bullard Chapel Rd. Tishomingo.  From Scotty's take the road that goes north.  Do not get off this road and you will come to a large parking area on your left.  Look for the Blue Bird motor coach named the Ruff Diamond.  There will be one or two pop up tents there and this is where you will check-in.

The cell phone number you will want to call if you have any questions is 580-618-3776.  This is the phone I use for work.

Contestants are asked to be at the base camp and alert us of your arrival (check-in please) by 7:20 a.m. We want to have you on your way to the river to fish shortly after 7:30.

The mystery fly will be revealed and the parings will be announced.  The pairings are for the most part random, however we do consider and entertains special requests or needs.  In the past there have been parent/child contestants and we do not feel comfortable enlisting someone's child with another or on the reverse side of that we do not feel we should obligate another with that responsibility.  We also consider physical limits in making the pairings and try not to hinder a contestant with no physical difficulties or make a contestant with a physical concern feel they need to "over-do" it in keeping up with their partner. In no way does the pairings give any one person or team an advantage. 

We ask everyone to bring a chair to sit in for lunch and choice of drink.  Lunch will be provided and it's quite extensive.

Everyone have a safe trip up and call or email with any questions you have.

See you on the river.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Fly Classic 2016 T Shirts

This is the third year we've had t shirts for all the participants in our one pattern fly event.  This is the first year, however, we've had a shirt with a design on the front and back.  The color of the t shirt this year is Sagebrush Green and I'm really liking it and getting some really positive comments. 

Here are what the t shirts look like and a big shout out to Amy and Get Right Designs for getting our t shirts right!!!

Many thanks to my gal pal Delilah for helping me out with the pictures.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Fly Classis Scorecard

The scorecard for the Blue River Fly Classic is fairly simple and self explanatory.  All fish caught during the Fly Classic are worth at least one point.  Trout can be worth more than one point based on their length.

There are two bonus point fish once again this year.  A small mouth bass regardless of size is worth 6 points.  A Redhorse sucker regardless of size is worth 8 points.  All other species are worth one point each regardless of size. 

There have been a good number of reports of a flurry in bass activity and the same is true with pan fish.  And, there have been sightings of the Redhorse sucker.  Although Blue is best known as this time of year for the trout she holds, the native species should never be overlooked.  This is a one pattern fly fishing event, not just a fly fishing for trout event. 

Good luck to everyone!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

As The Fly Classic Nears

The t shirts are done, the score cards are printed.  The mystery flies are resting on a piece of foam inside a zip-loc bag with an ink pen and the score card.  All we need now is for March 5th to arrive.

This event will indeed take place on March 5th.  It is our plan to set up the beginning and ending point in the main parking area of the campground area at Hughes Crossing.  Our beacon will once again be the Blue Bird motor coach named the Ruff Diamond.  Steve Wolf will also be on hand to help Ralph and Charlotte maintain our base camp. 

All contestants are asked to be at the Ruff Diamond no later than 7:15 Saturday morning March 5th.  The mystery fly will be announced along with the winner of the guessing game, the pairings will be announced and the contestants will be sent off for 5 hours of fishing. 

Contestants must fish the river that is maintained by the ODWC.  Contestants are not allowed to travel onto privately held property. 

All state laws apply and the rules and regulations will be read at the beginning of the event.  Certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be awarded along with gift cards.  There are a lot of awards to be given and a lot of giveaway prizes to be distributed.  The raffle winner of the Limited Edition Bud Light NFL smoker/grill will be announced.  Ralph James will raffle off a Erlich bobbin during this event. .

Vernon Forrester is providing lunch and the menu includes smoked spiral ham, smoked chub bologna, pizza fatty, Cowboy Keeneys cowboy potatoes, Dutch oven roasted vegetables, green been casserole, beans, and cobblers along with other desserts and don't forget the whiskey whipped cream.

Contestants are asked to bring a chair to sit in and their choice of drink. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly - Clue #6

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Okay, we are going to make this a bonus clue so to speak with there being actually two clues within one.  There are two words in the mystery flies name and the name is often followed by the word nymph.  Either answer will be accepted as long as the name is correct.  However, the mystery fly is intended to imitate a caddis larva.

Good luck!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly - Clue #5

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Here is clue #5.  Although the fly shop has the mystery fly classified as an Attractor, most will say this fly is actually a nymph and nymph is part of the name of this fly.

Good luck!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly - Clue #4

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Here is clue #4.

The mystery fly pattern uses a tungsten bead head and normally three or four wraps of lead wire.

Good luck. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly - Clue #3

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Although the mystery fly is considered an attractor pattern, it is not a dry fly.

Good luck!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly - Clue #2

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Clue #2.  This pattern is often fished in tandem fashion.

Good luck.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Guess The Mystery Fly Game Begins

It's time for this years Blue River Fly Classic "Guess The Mystery Fly" game.  To enter you must be planning on entering the Blue River Fly Classic that takes place March 5th.  To submit your answer you can post in the comments section of this blog, or respond to the post on Blue River Oklahoma All Trout Fishing on Facebook, reply to the post on the Blue River Fly Fishers group on Yahoo, or send your answer to

The winner will be the first correct guess received.  The winner will receive a practical piece of fly fishing gear and that will be awarded at the Fly Classic on March 5th. 

Daily clues will be posted until a winner is announced.

Here is clue #1. 

The mystery fly is considered an Attractor pattern.