Blue River Fly Classic

Blue River Fly Classic
A One Pattern Fly Event

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chapter 58 Day 114 - Trout Season

The Season Of Confusion

The calendar is saying that we are still deep in the winter season.   Today though, nature seemed to indicate else wise with bright sunshine and a temperature that reached 73 wonderful degrees. It's been, for the most part this winter, a season of confusion.

During trout season I get excited by gray, overcast and almost damp days.  Somehow the trout fishing always seems better for me on the pewter-like days.  I must admit the sunshine and spring-like weather today was rather nice. 

Not being able to get to Blue River to try and trick the trout, a trip to the local creek to see what the grand and golden carp had on their mind was in order.  It was time to do a little scouting in other words.

One of the things I like best in the pursuit of carp by the fly is the hunt.  It's that hunt that intrigues me, and within those moments when I'm stalking... when there suddenly appears a ghost out of the water before me... I can feel my heart rate change.  It's the adrenalin... that rush of excitement laced with hope, but buffered with doubt. 

This afternoon I went to one of our carp pastures we call the Beach.  In the last couple of seasons Charlie and I have seen as many as forty carp in this short stretch of water.  Today, I counted ten. 

Though the weather is nice and the air temperature is saying spring more than winter, the water temperatures are still on the cool side.  I still believe many of the carp are wintered. 

The ten carp I encountered were suspended... lethargic at best... showing no signs of needing to eat. 

One thing I've come to learn about carp is that they seem extremely social in their existence.  They form in communities and it is there that they socialize, play, love, and eat together in the herds they form.

There is still another week until the month of March arrives and with it the promised delivery of St. Patricks day (definitely a beer drinking occasion) and the vernal equinox.  And... a time the grand and golden ones grow restless in their wintered homes. 

Between now and then the search for the grand ones will be ongoing.

1 comment:

Gregg said...


If they would not frighten you could have tempted one I bet, after all you are not new to this as in probably hundreds of pounds of carp landed. Yes, carp fishing is essentially a hunt, fascinating fish and fishing.
