Blue River Fly Classic

Blue River Fly Classic
A One Pattern Fly Event

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 58 Day 77 - Trout Season

Like A Sharecropper In Dry Weather

With the pressure turned up at work, I see few opportunities to get to the Blue River and pursue those pretty little fish this week and I'm feeling like a sharecropper in dry weather.  There may be one chance to squeak in a quick afternoon trip, but, the weather is also changing on that particular day. 

I can't gripe... it's been a really rewarding season so far and I am luckier than most living as close as I do. 

Besides, there are a lot of things coming up like several planned outings with other fly fishers, the trout derby in February and the 1st Annual One Fly Contest. 

Speaking of the One Fly... there are going to be plenty of the mystery fly on hand.  Yesterday, I decided to go ahead and order the mystery pattern.  I guess I could have just tied the flies, but, after more thought it seemed it would be more appropriate to have the fly come from an independent source. 

So, after clicking the button confirming 60 flies I suddenly noticed I ordered the wrong size... the really wrong size.  At that point I had no choice except to order another 60 units of the right size.  Therefore, there are 120 flies coming this way soon.  60 will be dedicated to the One Fly for use and I figure the other 60 are going to end up in sets to be given away to contestants in a random drawing.  All is good and well. 

Going To Have To Get Creative

With the weather as pretty as it was today, a trip to the local creek to see if the carp were out and about was in order.  The carp were not out and about, so I decided to go to the north part of the creek and try and get a handle on how much trash had washed down during the November flash flood.

It didn't take long for me to realize I was going to have to get creative on getting some of this crap out of the creek. 

It that darn barrel is half full of water, as I expect it is, then there is no way my skinny arse is going to heave it out of the creek. 

I guess I could try and invent one of those harpoon thingies where the barb's flex on the way in and then spread out once penetrated.  Then I could take a well-rope and tie it on the harpoon and to the back of the prairie schooner and slap hard leather across the backsides of the ponies. 

Nahhhh... I'll see if the help of the City crew can be enlisted and maybe they can bring a winch truck down there and get this ugly thing out of the creek.  Have no idea where it came from or what it had in it, but I figure it was some kind of chemical - hell, it's painted red for a reason.

Right now though I'm not going to worry about it too much.  I have a much appreciated prize awaiting me that came my way and thanks to Mercurio.  I think it's going to go down good. 

1 comment:

Mitchell George said...

Have not seen one of those since I was in Alaska. Very good beer.