Curved Caddis Hook Mustad 49CS (Any size you choose)
Black Thread
Chartruese Wire
White Antron or Icelandic Wool
Six Pack of Coors Light
Drink the six pack first. Start you thread behind the beadhead and wrap down to about two thirds of where the hook bends. Keep wrapping making a nice smooth body. This may be difficult since you are a six pack under by now. Tie in your wire behind the beadhead and wrap back and once again make a body over the wire. Finish your thread wraps behind the beadhead. Palmer your wire up to the beadhead in even smooth wraps, tie off wire. Take a small tuft of white antron or Icelandic wool and tie in behind beadhead. Cut off excess and then whip finish. Send wife to store for more beer and watch the football game because it's too dang cold and windy to fish (like today).

I've fished this creation on both the Blue and the Lower Mountain Fork and unbelievable as it may seem this fly captures bows.