This morning I had a bad case of indecision and indigestion.
Last night when I was trying to figure out what to do for supper I remembered how much Miss Carol loves broccoli so I fixed a Dutch Oven ground beef, broccoli rice casserole in the Dutch. It turned out rather nice according to Miss Carol and I thought it was rather good myself. Actually I absolutely gorged myself on the stuff.
This morning when I opened my eyes I immediately realized I was suffering from the aftermath of my hog-like eating habits of the night before. I was one sick puppy.
But, I had made plans to hit the river and particularly tag along with Donny Carter and Jamie Webster up in the Catch & Release. I got to the C&R rather early and there were already cars there. Sitting in the parking lot I was heavy with indecision. I theorized that if anglers were already here this early, and Donny and Jamie were coming then chances were there was going to be a crowd up in the C&R.
It doesn't take many to make a crowd up there. I finally decided that since I was local and have the opportunity to fish the C&R much more than those who have to travel, it would be better for me to not add to the crowd and wait another day. Besides that, I kind of invited myself along with Donny and Jamie because I thought it would be a good opportunity to take some good pictures without me trying to handle those fish and snap the photo...which is always a disaster.
I left the C&R and went to the main area driving to the south wilderness. At the south wilderness I had even more indecision and certainly more indigestion. I almost just started the Prairie Schooner to leave but then though I would give it a try even though I didn't have the stomach or legs for it.
I hiked up to Coyote Pass Falls which is the second barrel. This place always produces for me but today there was nothing going on. I could have went on upstream, but again... no stomach or legs, so I packed out.

The water up in the south wilderness was in good shape in the fast runs but the long stretches were still off-colored.
In the main parking lot I thought about just going to the bunkhouse but realized if I did that I would have a "skunk" day which I haven't experienced in seven years. That was unacceptable. I decided to try the Flats.

On the way to the Flats I ran into Smitty and Smitty had his furry friends with him. I usually see Smitty about one time a year at Blue and to me he's one of those unforgettable characters. Smitty had thrown stakes in the parking lot and told me he, and his friends, were staying for a couple of weeks.
At the Flats, Robert Murphy was coming out of the water as I was entering. Robert said he'd had a good morning at the Flats using the olive-yellow split-tail bugger which was exactly what I had tied on. Robert also offered a tip. He told me even though the pattern was a beadhead he had added an extra split.
Now, anytime Robert offers a tip I take it to heart and I also added a split and that seemed to be the ticket. With the extra current you have to get the fly down in the column. Once I found the pocket at the Flats the action was on. I quit on bow number ten and number ten came within thirty minutes after starting.
Leaving the Flats I walked back to the parking area and thought about visiting Murphy at 17 but was feeling worse than ever. I packed my skinny ass in the Prairie Schooner and headed for the bunkhouse.
Once at the bunkhouse I grabbed the Rolaids and Rantidine and made myself an over-the-counter drug cocktail.
I'm feeling much better now but broccoli is certainly going to be off the menu for some time to come.
That stuff can hurt you!
I enjoy reading your blog but I have to ask, do you have a link to a labeled map of the areas you refer to?
There is not a labeled area currently and that is a project we've been discussing. We are trying to get a video project going that will actually show the landmarks (or names) of the pools, stretches, and areas we refer to. I think the video should also include GPS coordinates since that is becoming so popular with the younger fly fishers. Stay tuned, we're workin' on it.
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