I actually got an early start on Thursday climbing in the Prairie Schooner about 7:30 a.m. and heading for Blue. I threw Cocker in the disc maker and he was "feeling alright" and I was feeling pretty good myself.
Arriving at Blue I hit Chimney Falls about 8:30 and my plan was to start here and walk into the south wilderness area. However, a conversation with one of the campers there revealed he had information that the south wilderness area wasn't stocked past Desperado Springs. The story sounded plausible to me so gears were switched.
After landing two bows at Chimney I headed downstream to Glory Hole. At Glory Hole there were five or six anglers already there so I took the extreme downstream end which is my favorite anyhow. Armed with that olive-yellow split tail the action was really hot for the first thirty minutes with seven more bows under my belt. Then the action shut down for the bugger so I created a tandem with a hares ear and partridge orange. I cast it a couple of times but my mind was wandering and I kept thinking about 17 so to 17 I go.
At 17 I decided not to wade across the river but stay on the near side and step out into the river just a couple of feet. With the tandem rig I took six more bows in short order and it ended up being a tie between the Hare's Ear and Partridge and Orange with three each.

I will tell you that the leaves are getting to be a problem in the river already. I caught as many leaves today as trout, so be advised that you'll contend with the fallen foliage for sometime to come.
About 11 o'clock I decided to go to Scotty's for a couple of brews. Matt and the boys just walked in ahead of me getting ready to have lunch. On my way out of Scotty's, Matt caught me to tell me they would indeed stock the Catch & Release about 1 o'clock. That's a good thing folks.
Back down to the river I decided to try the Flats again but today the Flats seemed sterile so I waded downstream to the riffles. The riffles were really running fast and I tried high-sticking through the current taking only two more bows. The extent of my fishing day would end at the riffles with a total of seventeen bows met.

The water is much much clearer and this river is in really good shape.
As I left the river I stopped at Scotty's again and he paid me $120.00 for the sale of the fly-tying videos. That with the cash I have here at the bunkhouse adds up to $195.00 and I'll mail that to the Wildlife Department tomorrow.
Back to the river tomorrow and maybe the Catch & Release or the south wilderness.
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