With the reunion of the Conclave of the Big Ass Campfire Brotherhood on Blue River coming up on October 31st and November 1st, Ada fly-fisher Kevin Harris suggested a fly-swap. Upon reading Kevin's suggestion I knew I was in. In trying to decide what pattern to tie I realized that standard patterns of buggers, pheasant tails, and hare's ears were commonplace. So the scud pattern was selected as an offering.

Scuds, fresh water shrimp, or whatever you want to call them are prevalent in rivers and rich lake waters. The way I have it figured...scuds are a delicacy for fish so with me it only stands to reason this pattern will produce.

Pictured above is my dozen scud patterns that will be swapped at the Conclave. Hope they produce for the fly-fisher that gets them.
Tie me up a dozen in 18's and I will pay ya 2.00 a pop for them. Deal ??
Have a great weekend.
Okey doke. Going to fly shop this weekend as a matter of fact and will pick up some 18's. Those pic'd were 16's. But...your offering price is way too high. Maybe just trade out huh?
You have a deal there Barry. I am a rank amateur but I have some small mayfly emerger patterns from the Juan that my buddy ties commercially that hook fish on the Blue and anywhere. We will have our own little swap. See ya prob the 2nd week of Nov.
Great looking scuds Barry.
Glad I ran into your site... Threw you on my links!
-Ward (theokieangler.com)
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