My carp gear is basically my carp gear, however today... I made a small but significant change. I ripped off the heavy threaded leader I'd been using and tied on a lighter one. Although I love the leader I'd been using, it seemed to be causing me some control and approach problems here of late. Today, in using the new leader it was easy to realize how much I'd been cheating myself. There is a lot more control and accuracy with the lighter, slightly shorter leader.
Also today, I went back to crawdad patterns of which my arsenal has been void since losing my fly box several weeks back.
Today's changes resulted in a carp to hand.

Although it was difficult to see anything in the creek, I stood on the bank patiently looking and scouting the brew. Then I spotted a shadow upstream about thirty feet, and sure enough, that shadow was moving. Stepping into the creek ever so gently I waded out about ten foot then held. The beeve was grazing on the near side and coming downstream my direction, but then suddenly turned upstream. Then here he came again downstream, then suddenly turned toward the far side. I knew the time was now or never so I prepared the lariat and threw the loop. The loop fell slightly short and to one side but the beeve came to it. Honestly, I thought he swam over it but upon lifting the rod tip I felt the pressure of his mouth wrapped around the crawdad and I hook-set the beast.

The beeve wasn't a large one - probably about eighteen inches but this magnificent bastard gave me perhaps one of the best fights yet.
Well, I should of known all the egg'n, prodding, almost badgering I laid on Charlie about taking pic's of his carp would backfire. After all my nagging, Charlie went out and acquired a camera to take the said pictures I deemed so damn important. The camera's life would be short-lived due to sudden impact with the pavement. I feel terrible about the whole ordeal.
However, Charlie was able to save the last picture of a carp he lassoed and brought in for branding. It was a magnificent beeve and I feel obliged to share it.

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