Leaving work about an hour after noon I learned through a co-worker that Charlie was on the creek fly-fishing so I ran home and tied up a quick pattern and headed out to find Charlie.
When I found Charlie it looked like he was through for the day because he was getting in his car but then he asked if I had time to fish and he'd show me the honey hole he found. Naturally I said, "You betcha!
I'd been wanting to fish with Charlie ever since we started the crusades and I also wanted some pics of him in the water.
At Charlie's spot we were right on top of some huge carp but for the first hour we couldn't even get them to look at our offerings. The carp I was fishing stayed spooked the entire time and again I say when you are fishing in a clear running creek the slightest movement in the water sends the carp cruising. It can be something as simple as shuffling a foot or mumbling to yourself as I found out today.

Charlie worked upstream from me fishing a couple of deeper pools on both sides. I watched him as he worked both sides and he changed flies several times.

The wind was stronger today and the riffles made sight casting even more difficult but Charlie kept scouting as he slowly moved along. There came a point he would come downstream and I would try the spots he was fishing but again we didn't even get a look.
Upstream there was a huge splash and Charlie and I kinda looked at each other and agreed that it was exciting. In talking, Charlie and I realized how lucky we are to have such a wonderful fishery right at our back doors and that we couldn't ask for much better.
I decided to go upstream and on the south side was an island that was absolutely perfect for sight fishing. My gosh, the carp were staged... near side, middle, and far side. I had a weighted crawdad pattern on and as I put the fly in front of the carp I noticed I was getting looks and even had a hook-up that didn't last long.
And then... came this one. It was a lot of fun. Charlie... thank you so much for sharing this wonderful spot and thanks for the wonderful pictures... they are treasure.

Great story Barry. I'm still trying to hook up my first Oklahoma Bonefish!
great story i'm trying for my first Ok. bonefish!
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