The rain of this past Saturday and Sunday turned the Rock Creek current of the Prairie Ocean into a beefy bouillon like soup.
Today, both Charlie and I thought maybe... just maybe, there was a chance we would find some clearing water in the broth and we could fish for the Prairie Ocean Bonefish. However... we should have just stayed home.
Charlie, went to his pasture and the Mother Hole was calling me. It wasn't to be though. There was some clearing at the fringes but the creek is still pretty much chocolate colored. At Mother Hole however, there were some feeding carp in shallow fast water. They were munching on dried-up tree blossoms. Not having anything close to imitating their present affection I tied on a white antron thing-a-ma-jiggy. My mere presence in the water put the feeding carp down right off the bat.
Charlie has acquired a rather practical and highly functional ten foot rod. It's a Grey, made by Hardy and yes it is their lower line but it casts like a charm. Charlie let me take it for a test drive this past Monday and I ran it through a scenario of casting situations. Talk about roll casting! Lays out as smooth as a baby's butt. Distance... geezzz, it will sail a mile. I love his new rod.
Charlie has a technique in mind with his new rod and it involves reach casting, or perhaps leader casting, and high-sticking. I think his technique is going to prove itself shortly... as soon as the dang creek clears up.
So, today was not to be, but maybe by Friday or Saturday we can get back on the crusade.
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