Curt and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to fish in the month of July. The sky was completely overcast and threatening of rain and the temperature was a good ten to fifteen degrees below normal. Perfect!!!
We went to a special secret place to fish and since it's a secret I, of course, cannot tell you of it's whereabouts. This water is only about an acre in size but it runs fairly deep and extremely clear. It is reminding of a beaver pond and evidently it serves as a very rich food source for the watery inhabitants because the fish within are some wild and crazy guys! And the fishing? It was pretty crazy too... no, no... the fishing was absolutely insane.
Before I could hardly start to think about battling fish, Curt caught three on his first three casts. The dos amigos came today because we thought we might be on some really big bluegill, but as it turned out it was the Rock Bass that were dominating the pan fish action. I shortly found the water they were congregating in and with a white streamer the action begin. Some of these Rock Bass were actually huge... almost wall-hangers.
We wore their butts out and it was literally fish after fish. After kicking ass on the Rock Bass they started laying low and the Black Bass decided they wanted a little ass kickin' too (since they seen the Rockies having so much fun).
The dos amigos were good to grant their wishes and continued with the onslaught of bass ass kickin' with just about everything we tied on. It didn't really matter as to size or color, but that's not to say some patterns worked better than others.
The frenzy of fishing continued and the bigger boys came forward as a chivalrous gesture since their smaller brothers was taking such a kickin. Well... we kicked butt on them too!
I can't remember how many different patterns I tied on but it was a lot. The white streamer and Clouser seemed to be favored offerings however.
The rain drops were falling on our heads and when the precip started the fishing seemed to slow somewhat so we called it a day at this special little water.
Curt hooked on to the boat and pulled it out only to unhook again so we could four-wheel over to his feeding station and deer stand. Once we got to the feed station, we spooked a wild hog who been helping himself to a gourmet supper at the stand. Through the drift from Curt I would say that ol' porker's number is coming up soon.
It was a fun day and I have to thank Curt for inviting me. He's kinda like that though, seems to always accommodate me probably because I am getting closer to that status of growing longer in the tooth and grayer in the muzzle. It always fun fishing with Curt also because he usually buys the beer.
Curt has this land leased for hunting right now and he hopes to buy it someday. I sure hope he can because if he does... he will be a rich young man. Perhaps not rich in money, but wealthy in the rewards this special little water and the habitat it sits in will bring him and his children in the days ahead.
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