I hoped to come see you yesterday my friends, but the weather was extremely threatening as the monsters were on the ground laying devastation as they went. Before they were through, the monsters had claimed 91 souls and it's still early in the rescue and recovery.
I did enjoy my time with you mid-morn on Saturday. Within two minutes after arriving at your home I met the first citizen of the morning in the form and fashion of a young and fascinating Mirror.
Several minutes later the second citizen latched onto the fluro chartreuse bug I have been sending out lately. Of the last eight or ten citizens I have met, all but one have favored this bug called Aftermath.
Deciding to leave the pasture at Honey Hole, I traveled to the pasture Big Well Springs. Here, I make a long distance call with the Aftermath and a rather brawny member of your clan grabbed it and ran. Our conversation lasted a good time, but then my call was suddenly disconnected due to the line being broken.
As I sent out a new Aftermath, by way of long distance, another citizen took my offering on the blind and our talk begin. As we were talking someone in my world was wanting to talk to me. I could tell this by the buzzing in my pocket, but that call would have to wait.
Turns out the caller was Van and he was headed for the fly shop in Fort Worth, and friends guess what he was going to get me? Some more fluro chartreuse body material so I can tie you many more of these gifts you so favor.
My friends I have news to share with you. There is a new lass that has come into my workplace life and she is one dandy firecracker of a gal. She brings to the workplace great knowledge of the work I do and that means I can have more time with you now. At least this is my hope.
The rain is coming as I close this letter and it's a good rain. Rejoice in the bounty my friends, rejoice.
Prairie Ocean Fly Fisher